In Sweden, about 500 000 children and adolescents have at least one parent who is mentally ill or has an addiction. Many of these children are also subjected to domestic violence. Since 2005 Maskrosbarn (Dandelion Children in English) has endeavoured to improve the living conditions of these children. They have done this through training, lectures and support activities in the form of weekend camps, Thursday nights, internet support and personal coaches. Maskrosbarn has received numerous awards, including being awarded diplomas by the UN for their work on human rights.
Our role when working with Maskrosbarn consisted of creating a short fiction highlighting the importance of teachers, which has been shown on Swedish television. Given that a number of children in Sweden have at least one parent who's abusive, has an addiction or a mental disorder, Maskrosbarn decided to create a toolbox for teachers to make it easier to approach these students and make sure they don't end up on the same path. Our short fiction will assist this inspiring organisation in bringing greater awareness to this social issue.
This campaign ended up being awarded the prize “Best Communication by a Non-Profit” from the Swedish Communications Agency, Sveriges Kommunikatorer, due to its impact in making a difference in Swedish society.
“With thoughtful communication with important target groups, their work has made a great difference in society.” - Sveriges Kommunikatorer
To learn more about the work Maskrosbarn does, visit